Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Music Volume, pardon me is it your business

So once again I was listening to my music in the elevator back up to our work offices, and a co-worker felt the need to comment to the tune of "Wow, you listen to your music loud!".

Now I've had this before, I had a complete stranger at my old office warn me of eardrum damage. Sir I thank you for so selflessly watching out for my safety, would you care to follow me outside and tell me that cigarettes are bad for me? I find t strange that loud music is one of the social areas where people feel that they should comment. What is good music if not a thing to listen to loudly? I feel as if the whole point is to be awash in the musicians attempt, to be nothing but a large ear with little motor skills in anything else. In reality I could, turnabout being fairplay, warn people that walking could give them arthritis, breathing causes asthma, driving a car is killing us all slowly.

Also, if this was a case of my music bothering someone else, well I use earbuds and even at maximum volume, its barely audible, short of some beat notes, otherwise I do aquiesce in crowded public places, and I keep the volume to a realistic level. This was a purposeless rant, but they feel good don't they?

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